Your vital support is orienting young people to lifelong faith in Christ
Have you heard it said that adolescence in Australia has become a spiritual kill zone?
Thank you for sharing Jesus with Fijian youth and children on this mission
You helped students like Tim and Hannah share their faith cross-culturally in Fiji, thanks to your support of the Youthworks Year 13 gap year program.
You’re changing lives by investing in young people like Mitchell
Mitchell Everingham knows firsthand how crucial good discipleship is in helping young people to follow Jesus, even when they’re facing pressures from the world.
Through adventure, you're helping them navigate life
Do you remember all those friendships and experiences that you took away from school and church camps? The fun and laughter. The faithful leaders who helped you navigate those deep questions about life.
Thank you for equipping youth and children's ministers at HOUSE Conference
Thanks to your support, youth and children’s ministers are being equipped and trained in how to think, believe and teach theological topics at Youthworks HOUSE Conference.
Multiply your legacy through people like Joan
If you’ve ever contemplated whether you will have made a difference in this life, you can be sure you will be impacting generations to come by supporting people like Joan as she ministers in local schools.
Your support trains and disciples the next generation of leaders
With your support for Youthworks College, you invest into the lives of people like Meaghan and Ben, orienting them towards a life centred on the love and service of Jesus and his people.
Your investment is equipping this generation of young disciples
In this pivotal time of cultural change in Australia, the necessity for Youthworks becomes more evident with each passing month.
The powerful impact of your support on young people of all nations
When Ronaldo was appointed as an assistant minister at St John’s Anglican Cathedral Parramatta, he was tasked with leading the youth ministry called Engage.
How your support is enabling effective ministry to youth and children
What is a church without its young people? Our churches need people of all ages following Jesus together. But discipling young people in churches can be difficult.
You are sowing seeds of hope into young hearts!
Like you, volunteer Ian ‘Robbo’ Robinson is passionate about leading young people closer to Jesus. That’s why he’s been leading on camps for almost 30 years.
Thanks for sparking joy in campers!
Last November, a mother named Helen sent her two children, Jessica and Joshua, to the Square 1 weekend camp for kids in Years 3–6. They had a great time, and after they came home, Helen noticed a change in Joshua …
Amelia says: “I am truly, eternally grateful.”
Amelia is a fresh graduate of Youthworks College, and her testimony shows why your support of this ministry is so important.
You helped train 1,400 SRE teachers!
The fact that we still have SRE in public schools to teach children about the Christian faith is such a privilege. So, we must make the most of it by equipping teachers to be effective ministers of God’s word in this unique context.
Your partnership helps students discover Jesus
As the current social climate is seeking to restrict religious freedom, SRE in schools is a great example of God’s hand at work. It’s an important work because 46% of young people in SRE classes who aren’t able to attend church regularly said that their SRE class is the main place they learn about Jesus and God.
Students are embracing their faith – thanks to you!
Wendy is a Christian mother from Canberra who is eager to share with you how your support has helped her daughter’s faith flourish with genuine joy.
God works powerfully through your support of young people
Lionel Windsor, a lecturer at Moore College in Sydney, recently reflected on his journey of faith as a young person. He knows that his experience in SRE classes and at church as a young person have brought him to where he is today – an ordained minister, training others to teach the Bible.
You’re impacting the next generation for Jesus
It’s been such a joy during my first year as CEO to see the impact you’re making on our culture for the sake of the next generation and for the glory of Jesus!
Attention all school leavers: Have you considered Year 13?
Peter and Lily graduated from Youthworks Year 13 Gap Year progam in 2018. They’d like to encourage you, or a school leaver you know, to consider applying for Year 13 in 2020.