About Youthworks Square One

Youthworks Square One is a weekend camp for children in Years 3 - 6 and their church leaders.

Youthworks Ministry Support Team in partnership with a committee of volunteers plans the whole weekend of age-appropriate Bible teaching and fun activities, freeing church leaders to invest in discipling their kids. Children need to be part of a registered church to attend so please have your church’s children’s ministry coordinator complete the expression of interest form.

Square One 2025



30 May - 1 June, 2025
Youthworks Conference Centres
Port Hacking

Registration opens 1 March, 2025.

Registration closes 11 May, 2025.

Cost is $245

Spring #1

31 Oct - 2 November, 2025
Youthworks Conference Centres
Port Hacking

Registration opens 1 August, 2025.

Registration closes 13 October, 2025.

Cost is $245

Spring #2

7 - 9 November, 2025
Youthworks Conference Centres
Port Hacking

Registration opens 1 August, 2025.

Registration closes 13 October, 2025.

Cost is $245

Church Expression of Interest

Looking to get your church on board for Square One? Register your interest now.



6:00 — Arrive And Register On Sites

7:30 — Big Gathering 1

9:00 — Supper And Bed


7:30 — Breakfast

8:15 — Me & God Time

9:00 — Big Gathering 2

10:30 — Morning Tea & Small Groups

11:30 — Activity Time

1:00 — Lunch

2:00 — Big Gathering 3

3:30 — Afternoon Tea & Small Groups

4:30 — Activity Time

6:00 — Dinner

7:00 — Night Activity

9:00 — Supper And Bed


7:30 — Breakfast

8:30 — Me & God Time

9:15 — Big Gathering 4

10:45 — Morning Tea & Small Groups

11:45 — Activity Time

1:00 — Lunch

1:30 — Final Gathering

2:00 — Sign Out And Depart


  • Kids / All children in Years 3 - 6 are welcome on Square One. Get your kids to invite their friends from church, SRE, Kids Club and your local community. Whether children attend church or not, they are welcome on Square One.

    Part of a group / No camper comes on Square One alone. Every child is part of a church group. On the registration form, you’ll see there is a place to indicate which church group your child is coming with.

    Leaders / Churches send their own leaders, with a 1:7 leader to child ratio. Each church group has a Square One coordinator who is over 21. All leaders are required to have a valid Working with Children Check.

    Rooms / Your children will be with their friends. Children will be allocated rooms according to church groups. Leaders will be in separate rooms close by. Square One Winter uses all four sites at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking — Deer Park, Chaldercot, Rathane and Telford — and both Spring camps uses all four sites at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking — Deer Park, Chaldercot, Rathane and Telford — but church groups are kept together as much as possible.

    Bible teaching / There are four Big Gatherings over the weekend with everyone from all four sites coming together to hear our speaker teach from the Bible. There’s also time in small groups for discussion and questions. These small groups are led by the leaders from each church group.

    Activities / Day and night activities include swimming, waterslide, craft, messy games, board games, a movie on the big screen and more.

    Cost / For campers the cost is $245 and leaders $245
    You can also make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of sending another child on camp when you register. Because of the generosity of people like you, Youthworks is able to subsidise the cost of camp for families who can’t afford to attend Square One. All campers and leaders get a camp jumper or t-shirt too!

    Special needs / Square One caters for those with special needs—diet, medication or allergy management. There is a place on the registration form to include this information or any other information you’d like to share that will help make the weekend a success for your child.

    Partnering with churches / Youthworks Ministry Support team runs Square One to partner with local church and parents in their ministry to children. Youthworks takes care of all the admin, planning and preparation of the camp, freeing up church leaders to invest in discipling their kids.

    There is plenty of time for friendships to be strengthened, memories made and discussion to flow from the Bible talks. As well as getting to know the kids better, your church leaders have the opportunity to learn from others in children’s ministry and gain new ideas and insight for their own service.

    Square One is especially encouraging for kids and leaders from small churches. Some groups are only one leader with two or three kids.

    Parents / The coordinator for your church group is your first person to contact with questions about Square One. However, if you have further questions after speaking with them you can contact our camp director - Annemarie Rivers (annemarie.rivers@youthworks.net)

    You will receive a link to the camp information and packing list when you complete your registration.

    One to Two weeks before camp, Youthworks will send you any final information you require. We will also send you resources to help you talk with your child about camp and their learning from the Bible.

  • Square One Winter 2025 is on 30 May - 1 June 2025 at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking.
    You can sign in your children from 6pm on Friday 30 May. The session starts at 7.30pm. There is no dinner on Friday night. Pick up is from 2.00pm on Sunday 1 June.

    Square One Spring #1 is on 30 October - 2 November 2025 at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking.
    You can sign in your children from 6pm on Friday 1 November. The session starts at 7.30pm. There is no dinner on Friday night. Pick up is from 2.00pm on Sunday 2 November.

    Square One Spring #2 is on 7 - 9 November 2025 at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking.
    You can sign in your children from 6pm on Friday 8 November. The session starts at 7.30pm. There is no dinner on Friday night. Pick up is from 2.00pm on Sunday 9 November.

  • Square One Winter uses all four sites at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking — Deer Park, Chaldercot, Rathane and Telford — but church groups are kept together as much as possible.

    Square One Spring #1 uses all four sites at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking — Deer Park, Chaldercot, Rathane and Telford — but church groups are kept together as much as possible.

    Square One Spring #2 uses all four sites at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking — Deer Park,Chaldercot, Rathane and Telford — but church groups are kept together as much as possible.

  • You will need to indicate these as part of the registration information to complete after purchasing your ticket. Please give as complete and clear details as possible. Please read through the below information from our Conference Centre catering team to understand some of the limitations to our catering.

    Please note that wherever we are unable to cater for your dietary requirements and you neeed to bring your own, we will issue a refund.

    At Youthworks Conference Centres, we provide a menu that is wholesome and take pride in high standards of food safety. Our catered meals include breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper.

    We are allergen aware centres and we want to ensure anyone with allergy or dietary needs understands our catering abilities and limitations, our commitment to you is one of quality and care.

    Whilst we do not use whole nuts or nut products in our cooking, being a commercial kitchen, we cannot provide food that is guaranteed free of any traces of nuts. Likewise the same with other allergens. If you can have food labeled ‘may contain traces of ......................... ’, please indicate this when completing your dietary needs information. Likewise, we cannot guarantee that all meals are completely free from traces of any other allergen such as gluten/wheat/dairy, as we do not have separate kitchens to prepare different allergen free meals. Therefore we are unable to cater for people who cannot eat foods that carry the warning, `may contain traces of ................................................................................. `.

    If you decide that you would be more comfortable to bring your own pre-prepared meals and snacks, each of our centres has a fridge, hot water, toaster (on request) and microwave available for you to store and re-heat pre-prepared meals. No other cooking facilities are available at the centre. For those guests bringing their own food, please note that nut and nut derivative products (i.e. almond milk) are not permitted at our centres. Please label all containers with the guests name.

    Unfortunately we cannot cater for specialised individual diets prescribed under the supervision of a dietitian or healthcare professional i.e. FODMAP and elimination diets.

    If you would like to know more, or have questions about your specific dietary needs, please feel free to contact Ministry Support via ministrysupport@youthworks.net or call 02 8268 3355.

  • The good news is that as your church’s leaders are coming, they will likely be familiar with your child’s requirements and vice versa. Nevertheless, if your child has particular accessibility requirements or special needs that our leadership team needs to know about, please include at least a summary of this this on your registration information. After your registration is complete you will receive a link to an online form to get more complete details so we can best care for your child.

  • This information is available in our booking terms and conditions that are agreed to when tickets are purchased. You can view these via yw.training/booking-Ts-and-Cs

  • Speak to your church leaders about bringing a group of kids and leaders to Square One.

  • Yes! You will receive a link with information of waht to bring to camp and other general information when you coplete your registration.

    However, you can also download this general Square One “What to Bring” list.

If you have further questions, please contact Youthworks Ministry Support via ministrysupport@youthworks.net or call 02 8268 3355.