About Leaders in Training

Youthworks’ Leaders in Training (LiT) is an awesome camp for youth in Years 9 - 12 in 2025 at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking. You will meet fantastic friends and have a brilliant time but it’s also pretty challenging. We are going to push you hard to think about your faith and how you can use your gifts for the glory of God. The whole week is about growing you as a Christian, as a leader and as a servant of Jesus and His people.

LIT 2025-2026

Sent to Serve

Our theme for this year at LiT is Sent to Serve with a focus on the first eight chapters of the book of Acts. Over the course of camp, we will witness God at work as the good news of the Gospel spreads from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

As we look at the growth of the early church and the Holy Spirit’s central role in that work, we will be encouraged, challenged, and better equipped for the ways in which we have been sent to serve as part of God’s unstoppable gospel mission. Join us as we are challenged about Christian leadership and discover what it truly means to be Sent to Serve.


Spring 2025

29 September - 3 October, 2025
Youthworks Conference Centres
Port Hacking

Registration opens 5 May.

Tickets are $499.00

Week 1
Summer 2026

17 - 21 January, 2026
Youthworks Conference Centres
Port Hacking

Registration opens 1 September.

Tickets are $499.00

Week 2
Summer 2026

21 - 25 January, 2026
Youthworks Conference Centres
Port Hacking

Registration opens 1 September.

Tickets are $499.00

If you love Jesus and are passionate about serving Him with your whole life then Youthworks’ LIT is definitely for you.

The cost for this year’s LIT will be $499.00. There is no early bird discount. See our FAQ for more information.

LIT Daily Program

8:00 | Breakfast

8:45 | Connect Groups

Designed to help you dig deeply in God’s word and reflect on what you have been learning in the Gathering

9:30 | Time With God

Personal ‘Time with God’ to reflect and apply what we have been taught

10:00 | Teaching Target

Designed to help you learn some skills to share God’s word with others.

10:55 | Morning Tea

11:10 | Training

Designed to take you through a series of core training topics for leaders over 3 years of LiT.

13:15 | Lunch

14:15 | Free Time/Activities

15:30 | Afternoon Tea

16:00 | Free Time

17:30 | Prayer Groups

Designed to give you time with a smaller group of youth across stages so that you might share and pray together about your life, the world and all you are learning.

18:00 | Return to Sites

18:30 | Dinner

19:45 | The Gathering

An all in time for great Bible talks, singing, prayer and more

21:30 | Supper

Ministry Partners

LiT would like to thank our Ministry Partners for investing in the next generation of Christian leaders.

Take Love is a youth initiative of Anglicare.  We’re all about taking the love of Jesus to our community and inspiring others to do the same. We're here to equip you, your school and your youth group with practical ways to get involved in Anglicare’s life-changing work.

What has God put on your heart? Improving people’s mental health? Alleviating poverty? Preventing domestic abuse? Caring for older people? Connecting with the lonely and isolated? Whatever it is, we can help you make a difference.

Year 13 is a Christian gap year for school leavers, preparing you to change the world for Christ, whatever walk of life you choose. Spend a year with like-minded young people from all over Australia.

During your Year 13 discipleship Gap Year, you will grow in your knowledge and understanding of God, serve on an overseas mission, learn what discipleship can look like in your life now and in the future..... And have a whole lot of fun!

Leader & Church Partnership

Partnering with Youthworks

LIT seeks to serve the local church by providing a place for young leaders to be encouraged and equipped for ministry. Youthworks would love your church to partner with us by sending leaders and youth to LIT.

Sending leaders and youth together provides the necessary leadership to run a successful camp and a natural capacity to follow up and support the young leaders after camp. You can further compliment LIT by integrating the training from camp into your broader training strategy.

We understand that it’s not always possible to send a leader from your church. In that case, we would like to invite you to send your youth and let the larger Christian family support you as we collectively seek to equip and encourage our young leaders in training.

Please read our Church Partnership document to get a more complete picture of what we do at LIT and how it can bless your church.

If you are interested in talking further about how LIT might serve your church, please contact Paul Rees in our office on 8268 3355 or ministrysupport@youthworks.net.

Leading on LIT

The opportunity to be part of God’s enabling and equipping of our young leaders at such an influential time cannot be over estimated. As a leader on LIT you will have four primary responsibilities:

  • Teaching the youth faithfully from the word of God through a Connect Group each day. You will be supported by resources and paired up with a co-leader.

  • Share your life and pastorally care for the campers in your Connect Group and spend time with them during the program and free time.

  • Help the campers from your church identify opportunities to use their gifts and the skills at church and school.

  • Be an example of godliness.

Most leaders are directly invited through our partnering churches who are bringing youth to camp, but if you are from another church and would like to serve then please read through our 2025 Leader Invitation for the event you are interested in and contact our office before filling in the leader application form.

If you are interested in coming to LiT as a leader, please contact Paul Rees in our office on 8268 3355 or ministrysupport@youthworks.net.

Sign up for Updates


  • LiT Spring runs in the first week of the September school holidays each year. In 2024 the dates are 30 September - 4 October, 2024.

    LiT Summer week 1 typically runs from Wednesday to Sunday in the last full week of holidays before school returns. LiT Summer week 2 typically runs after week 1. In 2025 the dates are:
    Week 1 | January 22-26, 2025.
    Week 2 | January 26-30, 2025.

  • LIT Spring and Summer #1 & #2 will be at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking, Rathane Road, Royal National Park.

  • LIT / Spring check-in is at 1:00pm on the first day of camp and finishes after lunch on the final day at approximately 2:00pm.

    LIT / Summer check-in is at 3:00pm on the first day of camp and finishes after lunch on the final day at approximately 2:00pm. This is for both week 1 & 2.

  • If you’ve never been to LIT before and you are in Year 9 or 10 in 2025 you must start in Stage 1. Even if you have been a Christian for a while, you are serving in your church and you have done leadership training through church and school we still insist that you start in Stage 1. Our program is designed to build on the previous year(s), so you will get the most out of LIT if you start at the beginning. It also means that those who have done Stage 1 before can have the best experience of Stage 2.

    The exception to this is if you are already in Year 11 or 12 in 2025, then you should book a Stage 2 ticket.

    Only youth who have completed Stage 2 are allow to do Stage 3.

  • In short, No.

    You will make new friends on camp and have time with friends from other stages during free time and The Gathering. We can organise to have leaders help you make connections at the start of camp if this is something you are nervous about.

    It's important that you follow the instructions about what ticket to purchase when you register because otherwise it disadvantages the other campers who have come before.

    If you are in Year 9 or 10 in 2025 and coming for the first time then you must choose a Stage 1 ticket.

    If you are in Year 11 or 12 in 2025 and coming for the first time, then you should purchase a Stage 2 ticket.

    We don’t take any campers in Stage 3 who have not already done LIT Stage 2.

  • This information is available in our booking terms and conditions that are agreed to when tickets are purchased.

  • Yes! Free time each day and The Gathering each evening see all three stages come together, so if you have friends in other stages you will be able to hang out with them then.

  • We allocate rooms according to gender for each stage, and then you get to pick your room groups from there. So if you are a boy and in Stage 1, you will be in a room with other boys from Stage 1.

    There is some time to get to know other people from your stage before you choose your rooms, so even if you come to camp not knowing anyone you will have time to make new friends before you have to work out which room to go in.

  • Year 12s on LIT Spring will have a dedicated quiet space for afternoon study. Indicate on your registration that you would like to use this pace and we will reserve a spot for you. This will be available for approximately 2-3 hours on Days 2 - 4 of camp.

  • Yes. Please speak to your local church first and see if they might provide financial assistance.

    There is a payment plan option on the ticketing website that will withdraw even weekly payments on Friday mornings at about 9am from the date of purchase until the set date when registrations close.

    If your church are unable to help and you need further assistance beyond the payment plan please email ministrysupport@youthworks.net with a little about your situation, what church you are with and what assistance you require, including the amount of financial assistance you are asking for.

    We also offer a third child discount. Please contact ministrysupport@youthworks.net for information of how to receive this discount.

  • Yes! You can download our Social Story for LIT Summer 2025 which has a simple explanation of everything that a camper will experience on LIT so they know what to expect and feel more prepared.

If you have further questions, please contact Youthworks Ministry Support via ministrysupport@youthworks.net or call 02 8268 3355.