Everything you need to know about
becoming an SRE trainer

 Local SRE trainers are qualified to teach all the SRE accreditation courses for the teachers of the schools in which their parish is involved. Two smaller parishes can join together to have one trainer that supports both parishes.

Senior SRE trainers are local SRE trainers who can teach SRE accreditation on behalf of Youthworks and can also observe local SRE trainers.

Equipping teachers for effective ministry

Youthworks is committed to ensuring Anglican SRE teachers are equipped for ministry. Local and senior SRE trainers help minimises the cost of training SRE teachers, and provide flexibility for SRE training in local churches.

An SRE trainer should have skills in adult education and training, and experience teaching SRE. It is preferable for trainers to also have theological training and an appreciation of how to apply safe ministry principles in a school setting.

Examples of an appropriate candidate for a local or senior SRE trainer would be:

  • Teacher

  • Adult educator

  • Paid ministry worker (eg Assistant Minister, Youth Minister, Children’s Minister)

  • Experienced SRE teacher.

The primary responsibilities of a local or senior SRE trainer are:

  • Teach the Youthworks SRE accreditation courses within the parish(es) for which they are registered. This can include SRE teachers from other denominations who participate in a cooperative SRE arrangement*
    * Subject to the requirements of the SRE teachers’ authorising SRE provider

  • Record who has been trained and what training a teacher attended

  • Share records of training with the SRE coordinator

  • Adhere to the Local SRE Accreditation Trainer Policy.

A Local SRE trainer can be registered across two parishes (preferably with whom they have a close ministry relationship), and this must be stated on their application form. Trainers are not permitted to run training for parishes where they are not registered.

Required training

To become a local SRE trainer you need to complete the following:

  1. Be an accredited SRE teacher

  2. Attend a New Local SRE Accreditation Trainer course

  3. Download the course material—your trainer will provide you with a link

  4. Be observed teaching one of the modules by a Youthworks SRE trainer

  5. Attend an SRE trainer course and be observed once every three years.


The cost for an Anglican to become a local or senior SRE trainer is $350. The cost for teachers from other denominations is $500. This includes the trainer course, course material and observation.

Email us or call us on 02 8268 3355 to discuss payment options.