About HOUSE Conference
HOUSE Conference is about theological reflection for best practice in youth and children's ministry within a community of youth and children's ministers. This annual conference for youth and children’s ministry is held at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking.
Each day will include encouragement from God’s word, an opportunity to engage theologically and practically with one of the papers, and opportunities to workshop ideas and skills that will equip you as a ministry leader.
There will be plenty of time to connect and network with other people who are engaged in youth and children’s ministry and opportunities to form new friendships and share wisdom.
We hope you will join us and your peers youth and children’s ministry as we seek to grow in this aspect of our ministry.

2025 Conference
The Cost and Joy of Sacrifice!
I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. - Romans 12:1
This year at HOUSE conference, our topic is the Cost and Joy of Sacrifice in the life of young disciples. Together we’ll explore how living sacrificially for Jesus is in fact not only plausible and liveable but beautiful!
What does it mean for every moment of a young person’s life to be a living sacrifice?
How can we ask young people to live lives of costly sacrifice for others and for God?
Isn't it too much to ask when some of the world’s highest values are individual choice and expression of desires?
Doesn’t it seem implausible and unliveable? Doesn’t it deny the very essence of human flourishing?
But Jesus gave up equality with God, gave up his place on the throne, gave up his reputation, his wellbeing, his own desires and his life for his father’s sake and for humanity’s sake. Young people are called into a similarly beautiful life where we set aside our good, our goals, our desires, our reputation for God’s glory and the good of others.
Come and wrestle with what a theology of sacrifice in the Christian life will mean in the practice of youth and children's ministry and in the lives of young people.

26-28 August 2025
Prices from $360 full time.
Early bird discount available until 31 May 2025.
Registration closes 6 August 2025.

Paper Presenters
Rev Dr Graham Stanton
Graham is the Director of the Centre for Children’s and Youth Ministry at Ridley College in Melbourne, and the Founder and Director of the Youth Ministry Futures Project.
Graham and his wife Katy live in the inner-north of Melbourne, they have three young adult children and one son-in-law. Apart from Jesus, his personal heroes include Bruce Springsteen and Leslie Knope.
Dr Vivian Cheung
Viv lectures New Testament and Greek at Youthworks College. Her doctorate examined the calling of God’s people in the Book of Romans.
Viv is currently exploring the meaning of being a living sacrifice (Rom 12:1) as a metaphor drawn from the Old Testament sacrificial system and exemplified by Christ (Eph 5:1-2) and Paul (Phil 2:17).
Viv and her husband Eric minister at St Philip’s Eastwood with their two teenage boys. She finds joy in worshipping God, serving his people and trying out restaurants in Eastwood with friends.

Ministry Electives
Ministry electives run on Wednesday afternoon of conference for approximately 2 hours. They are an opportunity for you as ministry leaders to dive deeper into a specific and practical aspect of ministry that fall roughly into three categories: leading self, leading others, leading young people. We typically have 3-4 electives to choose between.
The Privileges and Challenges of Leading Teams - Developing leaders
Fiona Smartt - Director of Ministry at St Luke’s Clovelly
Looking for more leaders? Want to help existing leaders stretch and grow? Keen for a culture of joyful and sacrificial service? This is the first in a three year elective (held over the next few years at House conference) on the privilege and challenge of raising up leaders. It includes lots of practical ideas to help you recruit, support and invest in leaders who use their personality, circumstances and gifts in joyful service of the Lord.
Note: You do not need to have attended the previous year to come to this elective.
Note: You do not need to have attended the previous year to come to this elective."
Boundaries, Burnout and the Ministry Worker
Trinette Stanley - Mental Health Educator for Anglicare’s Family & Life Skills Education Team
Gospel ministry comes with it’s own unique difficulties and challenges. How do we manage a job that doesn’t fit the 9-5 mould? What happens when our ‘customers’ are also our ‘community’? What does it mean to serve self-sacrificially? This workshop will consider the importance of setting clear expectations and boundaries, when it is and isn’t appropriate to be flexible, being self-reflective and self-aware, and when we might be in danger of burnout.

House Program
Tuesday, 26 August
10:00 — Launch Session
10:45 — Prayer
11:15 — Morning Tea
11:45 — Paper Presentation
12:30 — Lunch
13:30 — Paper Responders, Table Discussion And Q+A
15:00 — Afternoon Tea // Free Time
16:45 — Networking In Regional Areas
18:00 — Dinner
19:00 — Evening Session Bible Talk
20:30 — Free Time // Supper
Thursday, 28 August
08:00 — Breakfast
(Check out of rooms by 9am)
09:00 — Landing Session
10:30 — Going The Distance
11:00 — Morning Tea
11:30 — Closing Session
12:30 — Lunch
13:30 — Depart
Wednesday, 27 August
08:00 — Breakfast
09:00 — Paper Presentation
10:30 — Morning Tea
11:00 — Paper Responders, Table Discussion And Q+A
12:30 — Lunch
13:30 — Free Time
15:00 — Free Time // Afternoon Tea
15:45 — Ministry Electives
18:00 — Dinner
19:00 — Evening Session Bible Talk
20:30 — Free Time // Supper

Because HOUSE provides a space to "learn how to fish" instead of simply "get a fish". That is, HOUSE invites you into a space to theologically reflect on your practice with your peers in youth and children's ministry, and the space to work out a way forward in your context. Most other conferences focus on models, skills, programs, and "how-to's". There's nothing wrong with that approach, HOUSE includes practical electives too, but HOUSE aims to deliver more. HOUSE encourages you to develop your professional skills in adapting and reflecting on your practice in your own context from year to year.
You should come because HOUSE will help you lead an effective youth and children's ministry that is theologically and biblically faithful, reflective, contextual, and growing disciples.
No. It is a deliberate objective for HOUSE conference that youth and children's ministers gather and confer together in person. You can read good theology in books, you can get practical tips for youth and children's ministry from podcasts, you can watch presentations on Youtube. But you only get the personal connection, the fellowship, and the shared community knowledge by turning up in person to be part of it. Why not take some time-out and come along?
It is always a bit daunting coming to a conference when you don’t know anyone, but you’re coming to a conference with other like-minded youth and children’s ministers, and they love to hang out and chat about almost anything! There is opportunity on Monday night to network with other people around specific topics of interest in proximity to a fireplace and a hot cup of something. You can just turn up, join a topic group and start chatting away.
We’re all grown ups here, so you can carve out time wherever you like to do the work you need to do. There's at least 2 hours of free time each day and you can always choose not to do an elective. Just remember that this is a unique 3 day opportunity that doesn’t come around all that often and you want to make the most of it for your own wellbeing and the advancement of those you lead.
After you register online, you'll be sent an email about electives closer to the date of the conference. If you don’t intend on going to an elective at HOUSE, you can, of course, elect not to (see what we did there?).
This will help our presenters to have a more accurate idea of what numbers they have, the group dynamics and what resources to provide. You are welcome to attend an elective you haven’t booked for while you are at HOUSE, but we cannot guarantee that you will have any of the resources that come with that elective.
In addition to these electives we hope to have a number of impromptu workshops that form resources in response to the sessions and papers that are presented.
Each year we organise our own onsite speciality coffee for purchase. You can buy quality coffee served in all your favourite ways.
Of course you can still take the free option and use the site's instant machines or be “that guy” who brings their own beans, a hand grinder and an aero-press.
HOUSE will be at Deer Park and Chaldercot at Youthworks Conference Centres Port Hacking, Rathane Road, Royal National Park.
If you would like to see what thte accomodation and site looks like, you can see more at youthworkscentres.net/porthacking. -
Our beautifully situated Youthworks Conference Centres at Port Hacking have a variety of ensuite dormitory rooms for accommodation on HOUSE 2025. You can view Deer Park and Chaldercot on our website. Strictly limited Twin Share accommodation is on offer.
All dorm room options will be chosen by conference delegates during lunch on the first day to give you a chance to meet and choose your room mates.
All dorm room options will be chosen by conference delegates during lunch on the first day to give you a chance to meet and choose your room mates. Twin Share rooms will be allocated based on preferences given prior to arrival.
Contact Youthworks Ministry Support via the form below or call 02 8268 3355.