Students are embracing their faith – thanks to you!


Wendy is a Christian mother from Canberra who is eager to share with you how your support has helped her daughter’s faith flourish with genuine joy.

Recently, Wendy’s daughter Elizabeth attended a Youthworks Christian Outdoor Education camp with her school. Elizabeth attends a Christian school and, like her parents, believes in Jesus. But like all young people, she needs discipleship to help her grow in her Christian walk. Wendy explains,

“It’s hard for any Christian kids to push beyond the culture, as their peers are pulling back more and more. Often the Christian kids use all their strength just to stay Christian in the current culture.”

This is exactly why Youthworks programs exist – to encourage and equip young people to come to know Jesus and stay the course with him.  Wendy said the camp made a profound impact on Elizabeth …

“The fire burning inside her was fuelled to burn brighter and to potentially even create something of a bush fire as sparks have already begun to fly. Her response to the goodness of God carries more heartfelt emotion and joy. She is thinking more deeply and asking more questions than before.”

And Elizabeth’s strengthened desire to follow Jesus is obvious …

“Directly after returning from camp, she reordered her bedside reading table and put her Bible to the top and moved her novels to a different part of her room. She has come home and reordered her reading materials, her to-do-list and her confidence to reflect a desire to love Jesus, to walk in his way, and to stand up faithfully for him and his work in her life.”

Wendy is so enthusiastic about how Elizabeth’s faith has been strengthened by Christian Outdoor Education, and by the way that she, her husband Phil, and other Christian parents can partner with Youthworks in helping their kids to grow.

“We are so blessed by others taking an interest in our children and faithfully directing their gaze to Jesus for hope, peace, and joy now and eternally. To enable Christian kids to have a spring in their step and be proud of their faith amongst their peers is just wonderful.”

Youthworks Christian Outdoor Education camps help young Christians like Elizabeth understand and embrace their faith in Jesus more fully, so that they can follow God joyfully and witness to their friends.

So, thank you for your generosity to give Elizabeth, and many others like her, the opportunity to go on a camp that will so deeply impact their faith!


Your partnership helps students discover Jesus


God works powerfully through your support of young people