Cultivating your Youth Group’s Heart for Global Mission
In recent times many of our churches have done some helpful thinking about ‘mission’. Yet current trends in church culture have meant that when we use the term ‘mission’ we now mostly mean local evangelism.
Amongst this increase in mission thinking it’s worth taking a temperature check and asking the question – Have we unintentionally side-lined a heart for global mission in our youth ministries?

The Questions Kids Always Ask in Primary SRE Classes
Here are some ways you can prepare yourself when the tough questions come up in your SRE class.

Five Tips For Leading Games Well
So, what makes a youth group game awesome? Here are five tips that will help you to take game-time to the next level.

TayTay and Gifts of the Spirit
Whether you're a Swiftie, a curious bystander, or someone seeking deeper spiritual insights, this article helps us to contemplate the divine origins of talent and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Key routines and expectations for my SRE class this year
Three expectations and three routines you can develop for your Kindy SRE class.

Equipping and Empowering Junior Leaders to Serve
Equipping and empowering teenagers to serve as junior leaders within your church’s ministry programs is one of the best places for this to happen.
So how should we be thinking about junior leaders, and how can we best help them to start well?

Why Mission is Only Half the Answer
Over the last few years, there has been a corrective occurring in our churches, kids' ministries and youth ministries. More and more I’m hearing about evangelism being put back on the agenda and discussion around strategies for mission and how to increase “mission heat”.

Youth Ministry is More Than Future Fruit
Why do we do children’s and youth ministry? Is it so that in 5-10 years’ time we can have faithful adult disciples of Jesus who can become children’s and youth ministry leaders?

Lessons from Christian Endeavour, A Training School for the Church.
Today, Christian Endeavour has faded from memory and few young people have heard of it. But are there lessons that we can learn from this remarkable youth organisation?

Helping kids recognise and name their feelings
Helping young people grow in their emotional understanding is all part of helping them grow as embodied humans made in the image of God. Here are three ways to help young people recognise and name their emotions.

Summer Church: Effectively Communicating Routine Changes For Neurodivergent Members
As the end of year draws near and Christmas time approaches, regular church routines will change. While many of us expect things to be different, neurodivergent children are likely to find the change in routine difficult. How can we help neurodivergent young people cope with these changes?

Interview with Josh Peterson about House Conference
Hear Josh Peterson share his experience at House Conference.

The difference between inclusion and belonging.
As we consider our ministries, what are the next steps to help someone with disability not only access the building but meaningfully belong? How can they be valued as contributors to the life and health of the church family through their presence, service, and worship?

The Three ‘C’s’ of Team Leadership
There are many joys in serving the children’s or youth ministry team in a church. Young people get to know us, grow in faith, and there’s the joy of working together with brothers and sisters in Christ. However, team ministry also has its challenges.

Engaging Preteens to Grow as Disciples
Our hopes and dreams for preteens is just the same as it is for all people. We want to present all people, preteens included, fully mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28). However, often we find it difficult to engage them in our church ministry groups and programs. What can we do to help engage preteens in our ministry groups?

Five tips to help you apply the Bible to teens
As youth leaders, we have the immense privilege of proclaiming and applying the Word of God to teenagers, in one of the most formative phases of their entire life. Here are some thoughts to help direct us as we work hard on application in our teaching.

Who Do You Think Knows God The Best?
“If Christianity was illegal, and you were charged with being a believer, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”.

When We Say, “Discipleship”, They Hear, “Programs”
Because of the values of our culture, it is no surprise that when we say, “Discipleship”, they hear, “Programs”. This is what our parents have been enculturated to expect, and it is what we have been enculturated to provide.

Speaking up for Children at Church
Do children get to speak at your church’s AGM or parish council meetings? How much of a voice did the youngest at your church have the last time that a vision was a cast, a strategic plan developed, or a new ministry initiative launched?

Ministry Basics: Attendance & Permission
Take a moment to pause and check that your ministry admin is in good shape for the year. There’s a whole lot of information that needs to be collected from parents and leaders of the ministry – so how do you effectively keep track of what needs to be collected, and how often?