Rev Cam Harte
Children’s Ministry & Primary SRE Advisor (South Sydney Region)
Cam was convinced of the importance of children’s ministry while studying at Moore College and served as Children’s Minister at St Luke’s Miranda for nine years. He has a desire to see strategic and effective ministry in local churches so many young people will grow to love and follow Jesus.
Mobile / 0422 501 884
Email / cam.harte@youthworks.net
The latest from Cam to help you in your ministry to children
Whether you’re starting out again teaching SRE to the same year group as previous years, teaching SRE for the first time or somewhere in between, be encouraged that the privilege of SRE is that we have the opportunity to be alongside young people as they engage with the Bible.
Are your children's and youth ministry leadership teams thriving in their roles, or could they benefit from a more structured approach to training?
Cam breaks down practical steps to equip your leaders with the right skills, from safe ministry practices to casting vision. Discover key strategies to ensure your leaders are growing as disciples while discipling the next generation. Whether your team is small or large, this guide will help you create a training plan that fits your context and empowers your leaders for long-term success.
In part two Cam explores some actionable strategies that you can try in your kids’ program to help raise the mission heat.
Helping young people grow in their emotional understanding is all part of helping them grow as embodied humans made in the image of God. Here are three ways to help young people recognise and name their emotions.
Our hopes and dreams for preteens is just the same as it is for all people. We want to present all people, preteens included, fully mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28). However, often we find it difficult to engage them in our church ministry groups and programs. What can we do to help engage preteens in our ministry groups?
Do children get to speak at your church’s AGM or parish council meetings? How much of a voice did the youngest at your church have the last time that a vision was a cast, a strategic plan developed, or a new ministry initiative launched?
How to teach your SRE lesson in a way that allows each student to learn effectively.