A First Time for Everything


Rev Cam Harte is the Children’s Ministry & Primary SRE Advisor for the South Sydney region.

I taught my first SRE class back in around 2006. Since then, I’ve taught countless SRE classes in several primary schools. I’ve had great and not so great classes, incredible conversations with kids learning about who Jesus is, some classes that made me long even more for Jesus’ return, and everything in between. SRE really is a roller coaster, but also a great joy and privilege to be part of. In those early years, I quickly found that Years 3-5 is my sweet spot. In primary school SRE, I’ve been through all the cycles of Connect and taught them to nearly all the grades as well.

But there is one thing I’d never done, until this week.

Taught a kindergarten SRE class. Not for an entire school year anyway. I’ve filled in for a couple of kindergarten classes on the odd occasion (I could count the number on one hand). But this year I’m stepping out and trying something new, by teaching a kindergarten class in a local school for the first time.

I’ve spent the last 20 years doing ministry with young people, so I wasn’t totally flying blind, but it was still something new, which always brings the nerves. How would I go teaching kindergarten kids SRE this year?

Here are four reflections from an SRE teacher after the first day on the new frontier.

1.     Kindergarten kids are great!

In just the first week of my class I had kids sharing how they love reading the Bible at home with a parent before bed, telling me about their siblings and asking if I knew them (I didn’t!). I had kids telling me they have the same Bible as I had in class, and kids who just wanted to lie on the floor and not pay much attention. We chatted about ice cream and all the cool things that there are in the world and the amazing truth that God made all it. We are right at the start of the Beginning with God series, so it’s a joy to be able to share with my class that God made everything. I expect this is going to be a fun class as we explore who God is together this year.

2.     God is good.

Often in the rhythms and routines of teaching SRE, we forget the privilege that SRE is. We have much to be thankful to God for as we teach children in SRE classes each week. How good is it that as part of their education in public schools, they can hear about Jesus and grow in their faith in him. In partnership with parents/carers, we have the great responsibility to walk alongside young people and help them grow in their knowledge and love of God. As one teacher remarked to me after our first lesson, what a joy and privilege it is to be able to teach young people who God is.

3.     I’m still learning.

I’ve got a few years under my belt, but there is still so much to learn about how to effectively engage children with Jesus. A new group of kids always brings new challenges and ways to think about how we teach in our classes. What worked last year might not work this year and what works with one group of children might not work with another.

4.     Jesus is king.

I was reminded again this week that in all that we do in SRE, we are ultimately helping young people know, love and obey king Jesus. This a phrase that you may have heard from one of our former colleagues in the Youthworks Ministry Support Team. Some of the kids in my class this year have a thriving and growing faith in Jesus, and others have most likely heard little bits and pieces along the way. But their families desire that their children are taught about and grow in their love of Jesus as part of their education. What a joy.

Whether you’re starting out again teaching the same year group as previous years, teaching for the first time or somewhere in between, be encouraged that the privilege of SRE is that we have the opportunity to be alongside young people as they engage with the Bible. I’m really looking forward to teaching kindergarten SRE this year. I have a feeling it’s going to be great.

Cam Harte

Children’s Ministry & Primary SRE Advisor


Creation Was Never Perfect