Peer Evangelism Part 2: Equipping the Evangelists
Strategies that our young people can use to evangelise those in their various spheres of influence.
Responding as Disciples to a Time of Unrest
The young people in your youth or children’s ministry might be: scared, sad, uncertain, confused, angry or any number of other responses.
And all of this raises the same question I had for my family: as a community of believers, how do we deal with this collective adversity?
Peer Evangelism Part 1: Convincing Teens of the Gospel Need
Evangelism is at the heart of the Christian faith. Sharing the Gospel, the ‘good news’, of the Kingdom of God is the first thing that Jesus did in his public ministry. Learn how to equip your youth to engage in evangelistic conversations.
Back to basics in SRE
As a new year begins and the SRE Teacher’s Manuals are pulled out and dusted off, it’s a great time to remember the basics of an effective SRE lesson and set a goal for continued improvement.
You’ve completed the 555 Challenge! What’s Next?
You’ve kickstarted a fantastic home discipleship routine. Whether you managed it in five weeks or took a little longer, well done on completing the 555 Challenge! So, what’s next?
The Challenge of Evaluating Ministry
Consider how to set yourself up well for whatever lies in store in 2022.
SRE Fact Sheet: SRE Boards
This resource provides a picture of how SRE Boards operate in NSW across multiple groups and stakeholders.
Cultivating Leadership Recruitment and Development
5 things to think about and do for leadership recruitment and development for your ministry team.
One Key Feature of Healthy Ministry Teams
What can we do when our ministry teams aren’t functioning like a healthy body, when the parts aren’t working in harmony but are at odds with each other?
Promoting a Culture of Constructive Feedback
How to create a culture of giving and receiving feedback, so that as a leadership team, we are all growing together in our ministry.
Asking Big Questions in SRE Lessons – C-cycle
As you prepare for your lessons this year, ask this one question: Who will lead God’s people God’s way?
Four P’s of an Intentional Partnership with High School SRE
Four ways that church workers and SRE teachers can show intentionality in partnering with one another as they seek to teach young people about Jesus.
Returning Well to SRE
Some of us will be able to get back to SRE this year, however not everyone will. Take these helpful steps in going back into the classroom this term, and some ideas for those who aren’t.
Youth and Children’s Ministry Priorities Coming Out of Lockdown
It’s an exciting and anxious time for all of us in the youth and kids ministry world as ministries return in person. There are a whole bunch of things that you need to do and many of them in a new way.
Leading Well in Times of Change
Young people are experiencing a lot of change right now. For some, it’s more change than they’ve ever known. Learn how to lead young people well as they settle back into youth ministry.
What does a good leader look like?
What does a good leader look like? Here are three aspects that characterise effective leadership.
Caring For Children As We Return
How to support young ones and their families as we approach post-COVID re-entry into our churches.
Christmas Presentation Ideas & Principles
Original, creative and engaging ways to present the well-known story of Christ’s birth.
Helping Our Kids to Serve
Learn how to engage in ministry as a family, bringing up the next generation to serve.
Online Small Groups— Nuggets of Wisdom from Bathurst
How to effectively engage youth in small groups over Zoom by Ed Sowden, former Youthworks College student and current Youth Pastor at Bathurst Presbyterian Church.