Creation Was Never Perfect
Youthworks College, Theology Mike Dicker Youthworks College, Theology Mike Dicker

Creation Was Never Perfect

In the beginning God made the world and everything perfect” is what I often hear people say when they recount the story of creation through salvation history. The problem with calling God’s creation perfect is that it invites us to think of God’s creation as pristine and static, as if it was completed and, well…perfect. But that is not what God made. God makes a creation that needs to be completed and fulfilled.

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Artificial Intelligence and Ministry To Young People
Youth Ministry, Technology Chris Jones Youth Ministry, Technology Chris Jones

Artificial Intelligence and Ministry To Young People

In the context of ministry, there’s almost no limit to the ways in which we might employ AI tools to assist us in our tasks. Yet this is an arena in which we need to do some thinking before we blindly use the tools at hand. So how do we wisely discern what is beneficial for us and for those we are ministering to when it comes to faithfully using AI for ministry purposes?

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Questions Students Ask
Discipleship, family ministry Ruth Lukabyo Discipleship, family ministry Ruth Lukabyo

Questions Students Ask

Have the questions that kids and youth ask in the classroom or on a Friday night changed in the last 10 years?

After noticing the shift to questions around ethics in his schools ministry, Youthworks College graduate Tom Owen has worked to changed the scope and sequence of his school scripture units.

Read more to see the kinds of questions kids ask, and how we helpfully engage with these questions in God’s Word.

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The Three R’s of Gospel-Shaped Discipline with Kids
Discipleship, family ministry, Children's ministry Annemarie Rivers Discipleship, family ministry, Children's ministry Annemarie Rivers

The Three R’s of Gospel-Shaped Discipline with Kids

One of the biggest fears people have about serving in children’s ministry leadership roles is around behaviour management. What do you do when a child refuses to cooperate? What do you do when the group won’t settle down and listen?

Annemarie helps us understand that the gospel should be guiding not just what we share in teaching times, but also how we relate to children who misbehave, and provides 3 helpful guidelines that you can take into your interactions with misbehaving children.

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DEEP DIVE | Guidance
Discipleship, family ministry Viv Cheung Discipleship, family ministry Viv Cheung

DEEP DIVE | Guidance

Decision-making can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to significant life choices such as career, relationships, and ministry. Many Christians also face the challenge of seeking to make decisions that align with God's will, often seeking certainty through our "calling" from God.

To help navigate decision-making and drawing on guidance from God’s Word, Viv draws from Scripture to show how understanding our calling as God's children offers both security and freedom in decision-making.

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Kids Ministry Tips to Support Children with Disability

Kids Ministry Tips to Support Children with Disability

When you have children in your ministry who have a disability, it can be tricky trying to find ways to encourage involvement and participation, particularly if it’s met with any kind of resistance.

Here are 5 ways to help enable young people with disability to meaningfully participate in church ministries and services.

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Is Your Ministry Accessible?

Is Your Ministry Accessible?

A church is accessible when people aren’t required to advocate for their needs by special request or every Sunday. We want our churches to welcome all people, every week, no fuss required. Accessibility ensures that all people, no matter what their disability is, can enter without any barriers.

Read more to find out how to evaluate if your ministries are accessible and ensure that more and more people know that they are welcomed.

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How to Develop a Leadership Training Plan
Discipleship, family ministry Cam Harte Discipleship, family ministry Cam Harte

How to Develop a Leadership Training Plan

Are your children's and youth ministry leadership teams thriving in their roles, or could they benefit from a more structured approach to training?

Cam breaks down practical steps to equip your leaders with the right skills, from safe ministry practices to casting vision. Discover key strategies to ensure your leaders are growing as disciples while discipling the next generation. Whether your team is small or large, this guide will help you create a training plan that fits your context and empowers your leaders for long-term success.

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The What and the How of Spiritual Formation
Discipleship, family ministry Andrew Spalding Discipleship, family ministry Andrew Spalding

The What and the How of Spiritual Formation

Many ministries have been devastated by the moral and spiritual failings of leaders, impacting the most vulnerable, including children and youth. This emphasises the need to invest in spiritually and emotionally healthy ministry workers, a priority at Youthworks College.

Discover how the New Testament presents a clear vision of spiritual formation and the transformation that God accomplishes through His grace, rather than our own efforts.

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Why our Theology of Sin Matters

Why our Theology of Sin Matters

Talking about sin can seem negative and risky, especially when kids are part of the equation. Yet it is undeniably important if we want to be faithfully teaching God’s Word and pointing young people to Jesus.

How we understand sin will impact not only how we seek to disciple young people but also how we understand ourselves. Here’s a few observations on how our theology of sin speaks into our life and ministries.

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