Young hearts respond to the gospel as you empower children’s ministers
You help create opportunities for children’s ministers to share ideas and resources
One of the essential ways to reach young people for Jesus is to empower the leaders who minister to them in local churches and schools.
Through your support, you help create opportunities for children’s ministers to share ideas and resources, and to encourage one another with what God’s doing as young hearts respond to the gospel.
Annemarie, who serves on Youthworks Ministry Support team, organises network breakfasts for that purpose and says:
“The aim is to give ministers in local churches opportunities to learn from each other’s experience. All of these people care about teaching the gospel clearly to kids, and many have been serving in their roles for a long time. They’ve built up good reputations and they’re willing to share their expertise. So Youthworks helps create a context where they can encourage others ... and sometimes that’s all they need.”
Thank you for investing in the lives of these faithful servants. And please pray that together we can create an effective youth and children’s ministry in every church!