With your partnership SRE is in schools – and local churches are taking the opportunity to promote it in the community!

For some families, Scripture (SRE) may be the last thing on their minds when enrolling their children in school.

Macquarie Anglican

Thanks to friends like you, SRE is in schools and local churches are partnering in raising awareness in the local community!

Children’s minister at Macquarie Anglican, Tim Adams, wanted to promote SRE to new families in the community this year.

 With the help of his team, a sign was created and placed outside their church, to try and raise awareness of SRE and boost kindergarten enrolments for SRE in local schools this year! Tim says,

 “Last year, during yet another round of COVID lockdowns we came up with the challenge of how we promote SRE to new families who are coming into the school. We came up with the crazy idea of putting up a sign inviting the community to consider enrolling their kids in SRE.”

Since there is a high proportion of families from different cultural backgrounds living in Eastwood, where Macquarie Anglican is located, Tim’s team made sure they had translations on the sign – making sure everyone could read the information about SRE. Tim says,

 “Our area is even split in three ways of language backgrounds, English speaking Chinese speaking and Korean and. And that's represented in the local schools to a varying degree. So, we wanted the call to action, which was ‘Enrol in SRE now’, to be accessible for all our community.”

 We now have a little bit more confidence that the community knows that they are welcome to enrol in SRE for their kids in any local school.”

 Tim teaches SRE and he prays for the students he educates each week – that their faith will grow, and that the truth of the gospel will change their lives. Tim says,

 “My regular prayer for the kids is that their faith will grow and be real. It will no longer just be knowledge and stories, but truth that changes their lives.”

Thank you for partnership in support of SRE in local schools across Sydney and beyond. Local churches, like yours, are investing into their community, providing opportunities for young people to be nurtured in their faith through ministries like SRE.


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