Rev Tim Beilharz
Wollongong Region | Children’s Ministry & Primary SRE Advisor
Tim’s children’s ministry journey began in Year 9 when he was first encouraged to consider Christian leadership. He served as Children’s Minister at Gymea Anglican Church for six years, and is currently completing a Masters in Theology.
Mobile / 0421 103 546
Email / tim.beilharz@youthworks.net
Discover how the faith commitment of parents influences the age at which individuals embrace Christianity, reinforcing the importance of familial faith practices.
Why do we do children’s and youth ministry? Is it so that in 5-10 years’ time we can have faithful adult disciples of Jesus who can become children’s and youth ministry leaders?
A variety of helpful resources to encourage families to disciple their children at home
While the practice of intergeneration in a local church does not necessarily mean that children have to be present in the main worship service, this is one way in which many churches seek to bring generations together.
“If Christianity was illegal, and you were charged with being a believer, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”.
Because of the values of our culture, it is no surprise that when we say, “Discipleship”, they hear, “Programs”. This is what our parents have been enculturated to expect, and it is what we have been enculturated to provide.
Both friendship and leadership are essential characteristics and concepts that we ought to hold dearly. However, taking one without the other can lead to an imbalance in our practice.
How well do you know the other members of your church? Do you feel that you belong at church? Is it an essential community for you? So much so, that it is difficult to imagine spending a weekend without seeing other congregation members.
What does intergenerational ministry look like from the child’s perspective?
How many weeks a year can I ask parents and other adults of my church to join the children’s ministry roster?
How to encourage our teenagers to be evangelists through a peaceful and quiet life.
Strategies that our young people can use to evangelise those in their various spheres of influence.
Evangelism is at the heart of the Christian faith. Sharing the Gospel, the ‘good news’, of the Kingdom of God is the first thing that Jesus did in his public ministry. Learn how to equip your youth to engage in evangelistic conversations.
How to create a culture of giving and receiving feedback, so that as a leadership team, we are all growing together in our ministry.
Learn how to engage in ministry as a family, bringing up the next generation to serve.
Building a Children’s Ministry Teaching Time: Lessons From Lego Masters
Using life’s milestones to reflect on the faithfulness of God in your family.
Use a preschooler’s imagination to disciple them well in the gospel
This effective model will help you learn how to recruit more leaders into your ministry teams.
Three routines to consider intentionally building into your family’s Christmas celebrations this year
Help families engage in home discipleship with these three helpful tips.
During our changing times, let Jesus’ promise in John 14 bring you comfort and joy.
How can we equip our families to do household discipleship while our parish ministries are closed?
Songs can be an effective way to help children learn, memorise and express Bible truths
It is a great joy to teach children about the Bible but when it comes to the Trinity, metaphors and analogies fail us. How can you communicate the magnitude of God effectively to young people?
How you can encourage the mutual discipleship of children and adults in your church this Easter
In Luke 14, Jesus says: "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother, wife and children...he cannot be my disciple." What does this mean for Christian families?
What you can take from Lev Vygotsky’s social development theory that can positively influence your children’s ministry.