Rev Matt Bartlett
Youth Ministry & High School SRE Advisor (Wollongong Region)
While studying at Youthworks College, Matt was convinced of God’s calling into long-term youth ministry. He served as Youth Minister at Shellharbour City Anglican for 15 years. Matt’s passion is to see young people thriving as Christians and as active members of their local church.
Mobile / 0416 084 115
Email / matt.bartlett@youthworks.net
The latest from Matt to help you in your youth ministry
Does facilitating Friday night youth group discussion time feel like you’re trying to push a boulder up a hill? Many youth group leaders have fallen into the trap of focusing too much on one aspect of the group time. If this is you, then adopting the Rule of Thirds can be a significant help.
So, what makes a youth group game awesome? Here are five tips that will help you to take game-time to the next level.
As youth leaders, we have the immense privilege of proclaiming and applying the Word of God to teenagers, in one of the most formative phases of their entire life. Here are some thoughts to help direct us as we work hard on application in our teaching.
As youth leaders, our calling is to teach and model to young people how to navigate life as a disciple of Jesus— and now this includes discipling them toward a better culture of smart phone use.
What are the steps to building SRE in our schools? Here are a few that you might consider taking.
How to effectively engage youth in small groups over Zoom by Ed Sowden, former Youthworks College student and current Youth Pastor at Bathurst Presbyterian Church.
Learn how to faithfully continue building the Kingdom in times of discouragement
Invest in your youth leaders to see their effectiveness in ministry grow.
Three things that significantly impact whether a family feels welcome when they come to church
Knowing your people, passage and prayer will help you have an effective small group