Al James
Youth Ministry and High School SRE Advisor (Western Region)
Al has been involved in youth ministry in a variety of contexts over the last decade, working in multicultural contexts and in more and less resourced churches. He has had opportunities to think strategically about youth programs in each setting he has served.
Mobile / 0404 840 195
Email / al.james@youthworks.net
The latest from Al to help you in your youth ministry
In this article, I want to parse out what I think are 2 (perhaps self-evident) essential aspects to loving God, and their implications for the kind of youth ministry we’ll do.
Al James recently spoke to Tim Scoular, Youth Pastor at Norwest Anglican Church, about the changes they made in their youth ministry to increase participation, ownership and service among young people. Read more to hear what Tim had to say.
Over the last few years, there has been a corrective occurring in our churches, kids' ministries and youth ministries. More and more I’m hearing about evangelism being put back on the agenda and discussion around strategies for mission and how to increase “mission heat”.
How might the concept of Identity Moratorium impact on the way you disciple young people going through identity formation?
Al James talks to Mike Snowdon about his new book A New Freedom: How God’s Word Equips You for Life.
As youth leaders, we long to share our lives with the young people we disciple, but for all kinds of reasons, so often we’re met with a brick wall of one-word answers.
The young people in your youth or children’s ministry might be: scared, sad, uncertain, confused, angry or any number of other responses.
And all of this raises the same question I had for my family: as a community of believers, how do we deal with this collective adversity?
Young people are experiencing a lot of change right now. For some, it’s more change than they’ve ever known. Learn how to lead young people well as they settle back into youth ministry.
Learn how to run great meetings for your youth ministry.
Reading four books may fee unattainable but Youthworks makes this easier by giving you summaries of key learnings from recent literature on building resilient faith in youth
A report which has researched how how youth and children’s ministers were affected by COVID-19 this year
Collaborating with other churches in effective ministry to young people is a great way to connect with others in the collective task of mission
Coaching not just leadership leads to long term flourishing discipleship.
How to help young people understand our times and find hope
Why we must keep holding out the gospel to young people during COVID-19