Benefits of Teaching SRE
Jenn Phillips Jenn Phillips

Benefits of Teaching SRE

As people who value ministry to children and young people, we don’t need convincing of the importance of SRE teaching. Yet despite this, we’re often finding ourselves having to make the call-out for more SRE teachers in our local primary and high schools.

Jenn helps us see how different groups of people in our churches might be able to look at SRE in a new and different way.

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Cultivating your Youth Group’s Heart for Global Mission
Chris Jones Chris Jones

Cultivating your Youth Group’s Heart for Global Mission

In recent times many of our churches have done some helpful thinking about ‘mission’. Yet current trends in church culture have meant that when we use the term ‘mission’ we now mostly mean local evangelism.

Amongst this increase in mission thinking it’s worth taking a temperature check and asking the question – Have we unintentionally side-lined a heart for global mission in our youth ministries?

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Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry: Identity, Church, Culture, and Discipleship
Summer Willmot Summer Willmot

Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry: Identity, Church, Culture, and Discipleship

Youthworks College's recent book launch introduced "Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry," a comprehensive guide merging theology and practice, offering insights, reflections, and practical strategies to equip youth ministers with a robust theological framework and professional development tools to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of youth ministry.

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Summer Church: Effectively Communicating Routine Changes For Neurodivergent Members

Summer Church: Effectively Communicating Routine Changes For Neurodivergent Members

As the end of year draws near and Christmas time approaches, regular church routines will change. While many of us expect things to be different, neurodivergent children are likely to find the change in routine difficult. How can we help neurodivergent young people cope with these changes?

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