The long-term fruit of SRE
Be encouraged by Adam’s experience of running into a past SRE student he taught 20 years ago. Through SRE, Adam had sown seeds which now, it appears, God is growing. Praise God that SRE is producing long-term fruit in peoples lives!

The Three ‘C’s’ of Team Leadership
There are many joys in serving the children’s or youth ministry team in a church. Young people get to know us, grow in faith, and there’s the joy of working together with brothers and sisters in Christ. However, team ministry also has its challenges.

Sword of the Spirit Drills for Children, Youth and Leaders
A drill you could use to teach children, youth, leaders and parents to handle the Bible well.

Supporting your School SRE Coordinator
Have you ever seriously considered what is involved in being a School SRE Coordinator? Consider what it looks like from their perspective as SRE settles back into part of the normal school week.

Christmas Presentation Ideas & Principles
Original, creative and engaging ways to present the well-known story of Christ’s birth.

Three Powerful Words to Shape Every Ministry
Just three words that can help you shape your ministry.

Zoom Games That Work For Primary Children
A resource for leaders running Zooms with children