Tips for getting camper registrations in on time

We all know that one of the most difficult parts of organising a camp is getting kids and leaders to register on time. To help save you chasing people up the night before rego closes, here are Youthworks’ top tips for getting your campers and leaders registered for a kids’ camp, like  Square One.

Tell the whole congregation about camp and why it’s worth going

Ask for prayer. Then, tap individual adults on the shoulder and ask them to come as leaders. Tell them why you think they’d be a great leader.

Share the plan with the kids! 

Show photos of previous camps to your kids. Tell them what they’ll be doing over the weekend. Let them ask questions. If your group has been on camp before, all you need to do is show some of your photos from last year and let them start remembering and sharing their memories of the fun. You could also start planning for the Saturday night dress-up fun at Square 1.

Speak to parents one-to-one as much as possible 

Asking parents to trust you with their children for a whole weekend is a big deal. So give them as much information as they would like, and  the opportunity to talk about their concerns and questions.

Keep track of registrations 

Keep track of registrations and keep a list somewhere everyone—kids and leaders—can see it. This will help the kids to keep looking forward to camp, and remind kids and parents alike to hurry up and register so they can be on the list along with their friends. If you’re really creative you could use photos of each kid.

If your church has already registered its interest for Square 1, you can use the Google Docs file you share with Youthworks to keep track of your registrations.

Set your own early closing date for registrations 

Set your own early closing date for registrations rather than the registration date given to you by the camp centre. Square 1 sold out last year—you don’t want your church’s kids to miss out! So get your registrations in before October 18.  

Offer a fun incentive

This works for getting leaders to register, as well as kids! It could be chocolate, something from the prize box or riding shotgun on the way to camp. 

Kids’ camps like Square 1 are a fantastic time for your church’s children and their leaders. Keep praying for the kids and leaders you hope will come that  God would be working in them to become more like his Son.

Annemarie Rivers

Children’s Ministry & Primary SRE Advisor


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