These are strange and uncertain times. It is easy to feel powerless against the tide of suffering. This is particularly the case for children.

While everything around us may change, there is one who never changes: the Lord Almighty!

Kids Pray! will help your family focus on our sovereign God. There is power and peace to be found in calling on his name through prayer!

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.
— Hebrews 4:16

Written by children’s ministers and parents across Sydney, each prayer theme focuses on a particular attribute of God that is certain and eternal.

Our prayer is that Kids Pray! will bring calm in the storm to your children’s heart, soul and mind.

How churches are using Kids Pray

Mittagong Anglican Church

“We printed and delivered a set of Kids Pray posters and age appropriate cards to every family. Since then all of our leaders have picked up the idea of Kids Pray and wove it into the whole service.

We have had so many beautiful moments from the minister bringing the verse or attribute into their sermon, quizzes encouraging everyone to learn the memory verses and kids using their prayer cards to lead us all in prayer.

Thank you for something which seems so simple and was so easy to use but has made a big impact on our church.”

— Rochelle Fussell, Youth and Children’s Minister