Everything you need to know to become an accredited Anglican SRE teacher
Youthworks is committed to supporting you to be the most effective SRE teacher you can be as you help orient young lives to Jesus.
And because SRE teachers must be authorised to teach by their denomination and appropriately equipped for the task—theologically and practically—Youthworks offers a range of Anglican SRE accreditation and development training options.
Accreditation levels
Find out the level of accreditation you need to be a helper, voluntary teacher or employed teacher.
Training modules
To be accredited you need to complete five two hour modules in education and Bible foundations.
If you have the relevant qualifications, you may be exempt from further training.
What level of accreditation do you need?
There are various levels of accreditation required for Anglican SRE helpers, SRE teachers and Board employed SRE teachers.
In order to be accredited, you must complete all the steps in the Anglican SRE helper, SRE teacher or Board employed SRE teacher pathway.
***You will not be accredited to start teaching until you have completed all the requirements
for the level of accreditation you wish to attain.***
SRE helper / Level 1
An SRE helper does not have authority to teach a lesson or seminar alone, but may participate under the supervision of an SRE teacher in various aspects of the lesson or seminar (e.g. leading small groups, presenting their testimony, performing a musical item, providing technical support).
SRE helper accreditation requirements
SRE Accreditation Training Module 1 and Module 4 within the first term of starting.
Wear an SRE authorisation card as a name tag when on school grounds.
SRE helpers do not need to complete annual development training or lesson observations.
SRE teacher / Level 2
An SRE teacher is anyone authorised to teach a class alone or have oversight of a group of people delivering SRE via a seminar arrangement.
An SRE teacher may include a paid ministry worker of a local church who has SRE as part of their ministry role but they are not employed specifically as an SRE teacher by an SRE Board (e.g. a youth or children’s minister or an MTS apprentice).
SRE teacher accreditation requirements
Primary school SRE teachers must complete modules 1-5 (including primary school versions of Module 2 & 3).*
High school SRE teachers must complete modules 1-6 (including high school versions of Module 2, 3 & 6).*
* except where prior learning would receive an exemption from a particular module(s).
SRE lesson observation—within your first term, and once every year following (NB: as of 2023 there is no exemption for this).
Wear an SRE authorisation card as a name tag when on school grounds.
SRE teachers are required to complete two hours of development training and a lesson observation every year. Find out more about annual development training and observations.
Board Employed SRE teacher / Level 3
A Board employed SRE teacher is anyone who is paid for the specific task of teaching SRE by a board constituted of members of several local churches, for example, those supported by Generate (SU).
In addition to the SRE teacher accreditation requirements in Level 2, Board Employed SRE teachers may also be required to have formal theological and/or educational qualifications. It is the responsibility of the Board Employed SRE teacher to understand and complete the requirements of their employer.
Appropriate theological qualification may include a Diploma of Theology or above from Youthworks College or another Australian College of Theology affiliated or equivalent institution (e.g. Moore Theological College)^.
^ It is reasonable to expect that some of this training is ongoing in the first year of employment.
In situations where an SRE teacher is employed through a board, it is the responsibility of the senior minister to make sure the SRE teacher is suitably qualified for the role. The teacher must be authorised by an SRE provider and cross-authorised by each of the local denominations.
SRE helper under 18
Churches may engage young people under the age of 18 as SRE helpers.
An SRE helper under the age of 18 does not need a Working with Children Check.
SRE helper under 18 accreditation requirements
SRE Authorisation Form (Under 18)—signed by a parent/guardian, a representative from their school*, and an Anglican minister
* If applicableWear an authorisation card as a name tag when on school grounds
Supervised by an authorised SRE teacher when on school ground.
Accreditation training modules
Primary school SRE teachers must complete modules 1-5 (including the primary school versions of Module 2 & 3).*
High school SRE teachers must complete modules 1-6 (including the high school versions of Module 2, 3 & 6).*
* except where prior learning would receive an exemption from a particular module(s).
Each module is two hours long, plus reading time where applicable.
Module 1 / The Privileges & Responsibilities of SRE
This module aims to guide new SRE teachers to consider the legal and theological privileges and responsibilities of teaching SRE.
Module 2 (primary school) / Sensitive Issues in Primary SRE
This module outlines the range of sensitive issues that may arise in Primary SRE lessons and equips participants to respond appropriately to these issues and other questions students may ask.
Module 3 (primary school) / Preparing an SRE Lesson
This module teaches the recommended method of preparing a lesson using the approved Sydney Anglican Connect curriculum.
Module 4 / Group management
This module introduces the basics of classroom management in primary and high school contexts. Learn appropriate and effective strategies for managing student behaviour.
Module 5 / Bible foundations
This module provides foundational skills in preparing and teaching bible stories that point to Jesus and keep the whole message of the bible in view.
Module 2 (high school) / Engaging students in understanding their God
How the physical, mental, and spiritual development of students influences their understanding of God
Module 3 (high school) / Preparing and Delivering the Think Faith Curriculum
The basics of preparing and delivering a lesson using the ThinkFaith authorised curriculum.
Module 6 (high school) / Sensitive Issues and Curriculum Boundaries in High School SRE
Consider what sensitive issues are likely to arise in the High School SRE context, and some strategies for dealing with these in an appropriate manner.
Your prior learning exemptions
Below is a list of recognised prior learning (RPL) for each module. If you have completed the listed qualification then you are exempt from completing that training module. You can direct your SRE Coordinator to this list, show evidence to them of completing the RPL and request they record it in the SRE database.
There is no recognised prior learning accepted for module 1.
There is no longer any recognised prior learning accepted for module 2 for primary school.
Diploma or above in Psychology
Primary or High School teaching degree
Primary or High School teaching degree
Primary or High School teaching degree
Primary or High School teaching degree
Diploma or above theological training
There is no recognised prior learning accepted for module 6.
There is no longer any recognised prior learning accepted for lesson observations.