Your generous support helps children like Chloe find hope in Jesus
Chloe’s SRE teachers showed her Christ’s love and hope when she needed it most, and it changed her life
When 6-year-old Chloe lost her mother, she and her sister found it so hard to understand what had happened—and why it had happened.
Although she grew up in a family that didn’t know Christ’s love, her parents had been happy to send her along to Scripture classes at school.
It was there that Chloe met Cathy and Jenny—her wonderful, caring Scripture teachers—who made Jesus’ love for her very, very real when her life was at its darkest.
Cathy and Jenny spent a few extra hours visiting Chloe and her sister whenever they could and spoke to them after class to encourage their hearts after their mother died.
Chloe also remembers them giving her a book that told the story of the whole Bible, which was very special to her.
The love and care these Special Religious Education (SRE) teachers showed meant the world to these two mourning sisters. Chloe explains:
“I’d always loved Scripture at school, and that meant that I loved and respected these women already. But that personal investment during a time when it was hard—for both my sister and me—showed Christ’s love in a practical way to us.
“It wasn’t just something I was learning at SRE; Christ’s love and compassion were tangible.”
Eventually, the loving investment that Chloe’s Scripture teachers were making in her saw the ultimate reward, when she accepted Christ’s love and sacrifice for herself. And it was a decision that she never turned back on.
Chloe reflects on the significance of SRE in helping her decide to orient her life and hope around Jesus:
“SRE gave me the first opportunity to hear the gospel when I probably wouldn’t have otherwise.
“It taught me that there were people who loved and cared for me in Christ’s name, and it helped me to grow and learn about Jesus as a young Christian when I was in an environment where I didn’t have much influence in that way.”
What a wonderful blessing, that your support of Scripture in schools is helping make stories like Chloe’s possible.
Plus, by investing in young people through SRE, your support is bearing and multiplying fruit beyond what most of us can often even imagine!
Now well beyond her school years, Chloe has just finished a ministry apprenticeship with AFES, the evangelical university student ministry. She says:
“I hope to continue to learn and grow in Jesus, maybe through Bible college or further ministry training in the future.”
Chloe’s wonderful ongoing story is only possible thanks to the kind-hearted investment of friends like you.
Your support helps enable thousands of faithful SRE teachers to be well equipped through Youthworks training to reach children with the gospel.
Chloe is one of many people whose lives have been changed through the generosity of people like you investing in youth and children.
Praise the Lord for the amazing ways his love is revealed through Special Religious Education classes and caring people like you!