Young people are growing in their faith and confidence to share the Good News.

Craig, parent of Year 13 student, Eden, was greatly encouraged to see how the program helped his son grow in his faith and love for God. Craig highly recommends Year 13 for any school leaver and sees the positive impact it has on young people, Craig says:

“...from what I've seen, it's strengthened his (Eden) faith and his commitment to his faith. It's helped Eden transition from school to adulthood in a good environment...”

Young people are being trained and equipped through the ministry of Year 13 and are gaining skills that will help them share the gospel with confidence and conviction.

Craig has noticed changes in his son, from his attitude to his confidence in sharing the gospel. He says,

“He has been a changed person. You know, his whole attitude was positive. He seems to have grown in confidence in himself, confident in his faith, and his conviction to his faith has been stronger. He's learned how to communicate his faith to other people, which he does to his friends and other people in his wider family who are not Christian.”

Not only that, but Eden has also found some lifelong friends along the way. Craig says,

“He's made some good friends there. It'll probably be long term friendships. You know, and so often when he goes out on weekends, he meets up with his friends from Year 13.”

In the Year 13 program, students take part in God’s kingdom work by experiencing a mission trip to Fiji. Eden loved every minute of it and was encouraged by the conversations he had with the Fijian community. Craig says,

“He's just been on top of the world. He loved meeting the people in Fiji. The people were so open to talk about God and it was a reality check for Eden to be more open to sharing the gospel to his friends at home.”

We love seeing young people grow in their confidence in sharing the gospel through the help of Year 13. Please continue to pray for students like Eden, as they live each day for God in their context.  

If you want to find out more about Year 13 and its program visit


Meet Bec Baines – Accessibility Ministry Advisor


Youth ministries are equipping young people in their faith, to serve God and His people.