Two decades and counting

Group of friends chatting

For twenty years Youthworks College has been training and equipping faithful men and women to pass on the good news of Jesus to young people.

The impact of that training has been seen many times over, as each year hundreds of thousands of children and youth are oriented toward Christ and choose to live a life following Him.

One gospel worker who has had a huge impact due to the equipping she received at College in its early days is Leah Dyason. 

After coming to faith in early high school and being discipled throughout her teenage years, she was encouraged to undertake study upon finishing school and felt the call into ministry for young people on her heart.

Leah has been working in youth ministry for 17 years now and the biggest lesson she’s learnt and applies today is the importance of modelling Christ. She says:

“Faith in Jesus is caught, not taught. I think at College was the first time I’d heard that phrase, and the longer I’m in ministry the more I see how true it is. Like the Apostle Paul, who shared not only the gospel but his life with those he ministered to, anyone called into ministry needs to do the same.”

Beyond that, Leah’s time at College has also given her an array of skills to help make her ministries effective.

“Aside from a deeper understanding of God’s Word, theology, and church history, Youthworks College gave me practical tools with which to teach young people.

“The value placed on the gospel in youth ministry; seeing ministry to young people as more than babysitting; knowing how to run programs that take full advantage of the opportunities God blesses us with – these were all ways that College shaped my approach to discipling young people.  

“Plus, I learned to juggle at YWC, which surprisingly has come in handy.”

And after 21 years, YWC is  continuing this great work of equipping disciple-makers for effective ministry, thanks to Youthworks supporters.

Ash Kwok is a current College student with a heart to reach young people and their families with the good news of Jesus.

“Over the past three or four years, God has put a niggling at my heart about vocational kids ministry. I have always had a passion for teaching, but what I realised was that I truly and simply love making God's Word fully known.

“One of the opportunities that we see in Children's Ministry is seeing not just kids’ hearts, but parents' hearts won for Christ, as they see God work in their own children.”

It’s thanks to the generosity of Youthworks supporters that servant-hearted workers like Ash are being stretched so they can orient all the young people in their care for a life of following Jesus.

“College has been pushing me to think strategically how we minister to children in age-appropriate ways. Each week, I feel more equipped to train my team in how to disciple children for life-long discipleship.

“One thing that recently struck a chord was how we reach children with additional needs and disabilities. It spoke to the core of our theology that all people have inherent value to God, and the need to make sure our methodology reflects our theology.”

Youthworks College is continuing to raise up committed ministers to young people, and is helping to ensure they are well equipped for the work God has set before them, all thanks to the support of Youthworks’ friends like you.


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With tears in his eyes he came to Christ