Thank you for your gospel partnership that is helping to change lives in Fiji!
Friends like you have help passionate Year 13 students travel to Fiji to share the gospel, to grow, and be challenged in their faith.
For 11 years, friends like you have helped passionate Year 13 students travel to Fiji to share the gospel, to grow, and be challenged in their faith.
Year 13’s partnership with Fijian churches, schools, settlements and villages changes lives – and it’s only possible because of your support!
You’re reaching young people in cyclone-hit Maniava …
This year, the Year 13 students returned full of stories of how God moved powerfully during their time in Maniava, a village that was destroyed by Cyclone Winston in 2016 and is still recovering.
The village Chief was happy to see strong connections form between their young people and the young Australians on mission – building bridges across cultural and language barriers.
He said, “We see very few ‘kavalagi’ (foreigners) in Maniava and rarely ever young people. That Year 13 would come to visit us makes us feel that there are people in the outside world who care about us.”
Your partnership is making a difference in local schools …
The Year 13 students enthusiastically shared the love of Jesus with the kids at a brand-new pre-school in the church at Maniava. The teacher in charge is the Chief’s wife, but she has no formal training in pre-school education. So the resources the team brought made a great difference to her and the children she’s teaching – not to mention the fun of new games and songs!
And the headmaster of the local primary school was particularly thankful for the mission team doing devotions for the entire school every day. They’re already looking forward to next year’s visit.
… And you’re helping Year 13 students see God move in their own lives!
Your support for this powerful ministry not only enables these passionate young people to build their ministry skills and reach others for Christ. You’re helping them see God at work in their own lives, too!
Year 13 student Callum Irving from West Ryde Anglican Church was happy to sit down and share how the recent Fiji trip made an impact on him:
Callum, how are local people impacted by these Year 13 mission trips?
Year 13 has been working with the Indian Methodist Church on Taveuni Island for years now, and the church members are always greatly encouraged. For Indian Christians struggling with poverty, discouragement and opposition from Hindu relatives, Year 13’s ministry provides them with strength and encouragement to keep living for Jesus.
What’s one memory from Fiji you’ll never forget?
I’ll never forget the assembly we ran at Bukalevu High School on Taveuni. It was the first time that the school’s Muslim principal had allowed Christian groups into the school and we were blown away by the enthusiasm of the teachers and students, their interest in hearing the Bible taught and their energy to sing praise to God. It was a great reminder of the power of God’s Word and the joy it brings.
And Year 13 student Keely Ryan from St Faith’s Anglican Church, Narrabeen, shared her experience, too …
Keely, in what ways did the mission trip challenge you?
The trip challenged me emotionally. Being distant from my family was difficult and being in a foreign country was even harder. However, knowing my church family and many others at home were praying for me was a huge encouragement.
How have you grown as a result of your time in Fiji?
My eyes have been opened to the value and importance of overseas mission. I’ve seen that anyone who has the right drive and love for Jesus can do mission. It’s something that I’m now contemplating, and it had never been something to come to mind before this trip. I’ve also grown in my dependence on God as my one true support and hope.
So, thank you for helping to equip these passionate Year 13 students for life-changing ministry at home and overseas.