Meet the volunteers from WROK camp – where you help teens live with joy and love, like Jesus
Your support helps transform the young people who attend WROK Camp – “Wheelchairs Rule, OK”
Your support helps transform the young people who attend this annual camp, and the leaders from Year 13 who share love and life with them. Here’s what two volunteers from the recent WROK camp – “Wheelchairs Rule, OK” – want to share with you:
“These kids are just normal teenagers, with a slight challenge. A camp like this gives them the chance to learn how much God loves them. WROK makes these kids feel free to be themselves.
“Year 13 has been sending students as leaders on WROK for many years. We couldn’t run without them anymore because so many of our best leaders have come to us through Year 13.”
Janey, WROK volunteer for 17 years
“Serving on this camp has humbled me so much. I thought I was here to help young people with disabilities – as though they needed me! My ego and ignorance have been smashed this week.
“Year 13 is a discipleship gap year for growing in love and maturity in Christ. WROK teaches you to truly love all God’s people despite our differences. It humbles you and challenges you to get outside your comfort zone – literally washing people’s feet!” Jacob, Year 13 student and volunteer: