Conference Centres upgrades are underway, helping more young people to hear the gospel – thanks to you!
Accessible outdoor space at blue gum lodge means wheelchairs rule, ok! Campers of all abilities can be included
Through your generous contributions, upgrades have begun at Youthworks Conference Centres; the grounds and facilities are becoming more accessible for more people – including those with disabilities.
In 2020 further capital works will take place, including wheelchair accessible bathrooms at Blue Gum Lodge.
That means your kingdom investment is multiplying – as you open the way for more young people to hear the gospel.
Darren Robertson, Head of Conference Centres, explains:
Ensuiting rooms opens Telford to more schools because they no longer have to send students outside to get to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
And accessible outdoor space at Blue Gum Lodge means more young people of all abilities meeting together in small groups around God’s Word.
Janey Walker, Wheelchairs Rule, OK! Camp Director shares:
“If you have a person with disabilities in your group, you want to take them to a place where it is going to be easy for them to be included.
“These upgrades at Blue Gum mean we can share God’s love and care with more young people on camp.”
Thank you for helping to create more usable, beautiful spaces for people of all ages to connect with God!