Camps may have paused... but God's provision didn't!
You’re helping young people encounter Jesus on camp
Interruptions to Youthworks Christian Outdoor Education last year were certainly challenging. With restrictions on gatherings and without camp revenue, the situation looked dire … but thanks to you, this vital ministry was saved from going under!
Staff members worked from home or on maintenance and activity improvement projects at Youthworks Conference Centres. And while this was less rewarding than sharing the gospel with young people, the team persevered and trusted in God’s provision … and your investment was invaluable.
It meant that when restrictions were lifted, you helped ensure that the Centres and staff were ready to go!
School camp attendees were once again offered the wonderful opportunities that they’ve always had: to hear God’s Word and ask questions – which is so important in such uncertain times.
Courtney shares how your support impacted a group of Year 9 boys during a Christian Discovery session on a camp that she helped lead:
“There was only one moment on camp when I was able to hold their attention and that was around the fire pit … These gents, who were too cool to hear the canoe briefing and too stubborn to learn to set up their tent, sat for a full hour asking questions about the Bible and about God, not because they had to, but because they wanted to.”
Outdoor Ministry Leader Hayden has also been thankful for the opportunities that you help make possible to nurture young people … like these students whose teacher had just started a Christian group at their school:
“When they arrived on camp, I ran a discussion group for 15 kids and during the last session I had three boys become Christians … After the boys left, the teacher cried tears of joy about how much God had worked in these kids this year.”
By supporting this ministry of outdoor outreach, you’re providing a unique way for young people to encounter Jesus. As Courtney says …
“The moments standing in a canoe sharing a Bible verse … or praying with a nervous student at abseiling are the moments I missed in 2020 and am excited to see happen in 2021.”
Imagine what God will do through you in a full year of ministry this year. Thank you for so generously partnering in this gospel work to orient young people to follow Jesus for life!