Thanks to your support, children’s ministers are being equipped to keep their ministry flourishing.

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Alisa Drake, Children’s Minister at Together Outreaching Maturing Serving (TOMS) Anglican Church, works hard to see young people nurtured in the faith by providing various discipleship programs according to their age bracket. She says:

“Here at TOMS, we have 9 teams dedicated to ministering in age-specific ways to our people under 18 years of age. The teams are as follows:

· Creche Team;

·  Tiny TOMS team (pre-schoolers outreach);

· MOPPETS Team (who care for the pre-schoolers monthly during MOPS (Mothers of Pre-school aged children);

· Kids Church;

· Scripture Team;

· Yim (Youth in Mornings);

· Kids Club (Outreach for primary aged children);

· Youth (Outreach for high schoolers); and

· Night Church Mixed Bible Study, which includes people in Year 11 and 12.”

TOMS has a long-term partnership with Youthworks, especially in the SRE space, supported by Youthworks Ministry Advisor Annemarie Rivers. Alisa says,

“We have partnered with Youthworks through SRE for as long as I can remember. Our primary school SRE advisor Annemarie Rivers, has supported TOMS scripture team by providing annual masterclasses to guide and encourage Scripture Coordinators, providing admin support regarding the storage of data, and provided information and training.”

Annemarie has been mentoring and walking alongside Alisa in her role. She has equipped Alisa with the tools she needs to thrive now and in the future. Alisa says:

“With a very big sense of ‘imposter syndrome’ and feelings of inadequacy, I embarked on the Children’s Minister role. Annemarie commenced mentoring me at the end of 2021. I’ve now been in the role for over two and a half years.  During this time Annemarie has been a blessing to me. She has guided, encouraged, and equipped me to act and flourish in this role. Annemarie assisted in the creation of Kids Club Leaders Manual and the Kids Club ‘Have You Loved Your Kids Challenge?’. Annemarie’s support and guidance has been immeasurable… her mentoring provided me with clarity and encouragement, which was so helpful when the role seemed overwhelming and lonely at times.”

 Through the support of Annemarie, Alisa has learnt many new things about children’s ministry and has seen it become more effective over the years. She says:

“Future proofing has been a way I approach the Children’s Minister’s role. A structure has been created that can be handed over to the next person who would take up this role. Personally, it’s now structured in a way that I can continue and balance the preparation required, the delivery of lessons, and the leading of teams.”

 Alisa is looking forward to the year ahead. Will you please pray for her and the TOMS team as they continue to disciple young people towards Christ?

· That the people of TOMS are maturing, and glorifying God through serving on ministry teams. Pray that they would also share Jesus with the lost from Ropes Crossing to the Nepean River.

· The strengthening of existing children’s ministry teams through healthy team building and individual growth.

· To see the leaders of Kids Club grow in maturity and ability to disciple children.

· To see the children who attend Kids Club develop a sense of belonging at TOMS. This can be measured through regular attendance and an increase in retaining children in programmes as they transition to the Youth program.

· To observe a growing sense of belonging in leaders through healthy team functioning in processes such as programmed communications.  

· Increased cohesion in teams and the effective sharing of our goals and vision. This includes a clear understanding of our Children’s Strategic Plan which is communicated at the beginning of each term.

Thank you for your generous support, which is helping ministers such as Alisa receive the right care and support from Youthworks Ministry Advisors like Annemarie as they lead young people towards Christ.


Christian Outdoor Education sheds new light into young hearts thanks to your prayerful support.


You’re equipping SRE teachers, like Leanne, nurture faith in young lives.