Crucial Questions (Series)
Youth Ministry, Theology, Curriculum, Evangelism Ministry Support Youth Ministry, Theology, Curriculum, Evangelism Ministry Support

Crucial Questions (Series)


R.C. Sproul

Who should read it

The Crucial Questions series is ideal for senior youth wanting to dig deeper into the Bible or Theology, as curriculum for a junior leadership program or as a resource for leaders in discipling young people.


Crucial Questions is a series of short topical books, with over 30 titles in the series. Well regarded theologian and pastor R.C. Sproul briefly and accessibly covers one question in each book. The topics are wide ranging from Pastoral Theology (Can I be Sure I'm Saved? What Can I Do with my Guilt?), Apologetics (Can I Tust the Bible?), Evangelism (How Can I be Right with God?), Philiosophy (Does God Exist?), The Bible (What do Jesus Parables Mean?), Christian Living (How Should I think About Money) and Theology (What is the Trinity). One of the best things about this series is that each of the books is available free as an eBook on the Ligoniers Ministries website here.


Reformation Trust, various years

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