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Young people across country NSW and even interstate are desperate to be part of LiT.

Church deacons and ministry leaders from other regions see the impact of LiT on their young people when they travel to Sydney.

They want the same opportunity for their young ones that your teen is experiencing through LiT.

You have an opportunity to reach even further, to help more young people experience LiT and be oriented to Christ – for life!

Your support will make an impact in young lives and churches from Armidale to Adelaide, Darwin to Davenport, and even Western Australia as you invest to help roll out LiT resources to churches across the nation.

Your generous gift today to help meet a $50,000 goal by December 25 will provide new resources and help launch LiT in more places. By giving today, you’ll be investing in even more young lives and in the future of the Church.

Thank you for your generous support to grow the next generation of young leaders in the Church!