Everything you need to know to use the SRE Coordinator Community

As we move to the new SRE Coordinator Community, this page contains a number of guides and resources to help you as a coordinator set up and use the new database.

How to Guides

These videos and pdf guides will help you to navigate your way through the SRE Coordinator Community.

You can also refer to the SRE Coordinator Community User Guide.

How do I do everything?

How do I log in?

How do I find my way around once I log in?

How do I find and edit information for a teacher?

How do I add a new SRE teacher
or helper?

How do I Update the Christian SRE Student Numbers in our schools?

How do I Update the Criminal Conviction Declaration form?

How do I add or update accreditation records?

How can I check that everything is up to date for my teachers/helpers to get cards?

Other Coordinator Resources

To assist with coordinating SRE we have produced resources to help with the school coordination of and managing Combined SRE Arrangements with other Anglican Parishes or Christian Denominations.

School Management Template

An Excel document to help assigning teachers to schools and/or keeping track of teachers who are part of a Combined Christian SRE arrangement

Coordinator Church Partnership Form

The SRE Coordinator Church Partnership Letter provides confirmation from another rector/provider that you need to have them be part of your team. This would be completed and signed by the church that manages the accreditation requirements of the teacher or helper and then given to you to store at your church.

In the past you may have recorded their information in your SRE data file. However, because of the nature of the new SRE Coordinator Community you will no longer be able to see or record the accreditation details of a teacher from another Sydney Anglican Parish or accredited by another Approved provider.

When do you need to use this form?

If you have SRE teachers or helpers who are:

  1. accredited by another church or approved provider, AND

  2. part of a Combined Christian SRE arrangement in a school that you are coordinating, AND

  3. the other church is not co-signing the School Authorisation Letter for the school concerned.

Please use this filled in sample of the letter to assist you in completing it.


  • According to Safe Ministry policy, licensed clergy and Authorised Lay Ministers complete a Safe Ministry Check that is administered by the Diocese Registry and Office for Safe Ministry. They still complete a version of the Safe Ministry Check.

    The date to include in the Safe Ministry Check field in the SRE Coordinator Community is one of the following:

    • Date they received their license.

    • Date they began employed in their parish.

    Either of these is appropriate.

  • Give yourself a pat on the back! There are no teacher’s that you coordinate that have these accreditation requirements expiring in the next six weeks.

  • This is most likely because the connection between the teacher/helper and your parish in Salesforce. Email sreoffice@youthworks.net and we will fix it for you.

  • When you first open this page, it defaults to showing ‘Recently Viewed’ teachers. If this is the first time you are logging on or you have viewed any teachers yet, there is nothing to show.

    Click on the small arrow and a list will appear. Select ‘All Teachers’ or ‘Teacher’s and this will show you all of the teachers/helpers you are coordinating.

    You can click on the small ‘pin’ icon to pin this list so this shows each time you return to this page.

  • This is most likely because the connection between your account or your teachers’ accounts and your parish in Salesforce isn’t correct. Email sreoffice@youthworks.net and we will fix it for you.

  • The expectation will be that a new teacher/helper is added to the SRE Coordinator Community when they have completed the relevant accreditation training and the SRE Authorisation Form has been signed by the rector of the parish authorising them to teach SRE. This will ensure that when they are added, you as a coordinator will be able to fill in the appropriate accreditation records for the teacher.

  • As part of the data migration there were some errors in the data in the Google Sheets which meant that all of the accreditation records may not have been created. If there are missing accreditation records you will need to create the record. In the teacher/helper’s contact page, click on “New” in the SRE Accreditation box, and select the appropriate accreditation type and compete the information.

  • In the same way as has been current practice, the parish authorising the SRE teacher/helper is responsible for storing the SRE Authorisation Form in their records.

  • Given that expiry reminders are sent six weeks prior to an accreditation type expiring and that a teacher/helper will appear in one of the ‘alert’ tables on the SRE Coordinator Dashboard at the same time, we would recommend that a coordinator logs on around once a month to check if there are any accreditation types expiring soon.

  • If a teacher/helper finishes/stops teaching SRE, then you will need to change their status from Active to Inactive. This will ensure that they/you don’t get reminders/alerts that they have any authorisation requirements expiring.

  • If an SRE teacher/helper moves to a different parish then please email the SRE office and we will change the parish that the teacher/helper is connected with and their SRE status.

  • In this case, we will most likely set them up on your SRE Coordinator dashboard. If they are an existing teacher and you can’t see them on your dashboard, please email the SRE Office and we will fix this for you.