Parents and Grandparents - You can do this. You can read the Bible with your children or grandchildren.
Kids Read is a free resource to help you get started reading the Bible with your child whether they are preschool, primary school or in high school. Kids Read will help you have engaging discussion with your child about the Bible by providing some age appropriate questions for your Bible time. It is not a devotional. Kids Read is a support to help you open any page of the Bible (or even a Story Bible) and read it together.
God powerfully speaks to people through his Word. He speaks to old and young, mature and adolescent. Together we can come before the Lord and listen to him. We can help one another understanding what God is saying and pray together as fellow disciples of Jesus.
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ”
How to use the resource?
Step 1: Download the resource
Step 2: Print the page(s) best suited for your family
Step 3: Fold the page in half, stick it in your Bible
Step 4: Choose a passage from the Bible and read together, using Kids Read to have a great discussion