Scripture Union India and Youthworks Media working together to help grow believers in faith!
Following the successful release of Paul Barnett’s commentary on Revelation in Mongolian, Youthworks Media is now also supporting Scripture Union India (SUI) to translate ‘GPS: God’s Plan for Salvation’ into Tamil for distribution throughout the southern states of India .
Pictured far left: Mrs. Eunice Elias, SU India National Director, Mr. Peter Joseph, Australia, Mr. Athma Soruban, SU India Bible Ministries Department, . Mr. Bharath, SU India Finance Secretary. Mr. John Fredy, SU India Assistant Director
The team at SUI said:
‘We hope that it will serve as a training tool for growing believers in Christ. We would be using the Tamil version for Tamil readers all over the world. We will arrange to distribute the same primarily through Scripture Union units, Christian Book Shops and the Churches. We hope that it will serve as a training tool for growing believers in Christ.
“We assure you that the book would be used for building God’s people and to help them nurture spiritually.”
And the story doesn’t end there…
At the start of June, Scripture Union India held their Thanksgiving and GPS book (Tamil version) dedication.180 participants attended the dedication, with Scripture Union leaders, volunteers, members and a number of pastors from various churches. Mr Peter Joseph introduced the book by answering 'What does the book do? Why do we need a book like this? And how will the book help us to understand the Bible as a whole? He explained the Bible map and the need for it. He concluded the talk with the simple framework of understanding the Bible in 3C's: Creation (scope), Covenant (Core) and Christ (Focus). Rev James C Raj dedicated the book and the first copy was handed over to Rev. Lucas.
John Fredy, National Director of Scripture Union India says,
“All of them (attendees) were inspired by it. Many of them got the book on that day. We are also taking the initiative to promote the book in different churches and other places. We are really grateful and thankful to Youthworks Media for all their support and encouragement given for this.”
Praise God for opportunities like this, where more children, families and churches will be trained and equipped not only in Australia, but around India as well!