The 7 Principles of Effective Ministry to Children and Youth
Read our 7 principles for effective ministry to know our goals and vision for ministry to young people in every church.

Faith in Preschoolers: the place of imagination
Use a preschooler’s imagination to disciple them well in the gospel

Connecting visitors into church community
Learn how to be mindful and creative about connecting visitors into your church community

Three ways to integrate young people into church
Know the importance of integrating children into God’s wider church

Asking Big Questions in SRE
Asking these Big Questions in your SRE class will allow your students to learn the most important points of the lesson

555 Challenge: Reading God’s Word with your children
Using the 555 Challenge as a way to read God’s Word with your children will help your family grow in faith

Recruiting Well
This effective model will help you learn how to recruit more leaders into your ministry teams.

What Happens When Churches Collaborate
Collaborating with other churches in effective ministry to young people is a great way to connect with others in the collective task of mission

The 3 P’s of preparing an effective small group time
Knowing your people, passage and prayer will help you have an effective small group

Four ideas for a Merry (Covid-safe) Christmas
Here are four COVID safe ideas to give you inspiration as you plan for ministry this Christmas season

Dear Church Planter… (and anyone else starting a youth ministry)
How to invest in the lives of young people when planting a church

Using ‘Think, Pair, Share’ with kids and youth
Think, Pair, Share is a great tool to generate meaningful discussion, participation from everyone in the group as well as allows everyone a chance to think deeper.

You are a youth coach, not just a youth leader: discipling young people to mature in leadership
Coaching not just leadership leads to long term flourishing discipleship.

Keys to an effective small group: making sure your group reaches its full potential
Effective techniques to build relational trust and generates meaningful discussion in small groups

Are you heading back to ‘crazy busy’?
With face-to-face ministry resuming, make sure you don’t head back to being ‘crazy busy’.

4 ways to encourage your leaders for sustainable ministry
As we move into the sustainable season of ministry during COVID-19, how can you encourage your leaders to serve in new ways?

A week in the life of the Ministry Support Team
See how the Ministry Support Team work alongside many ministry leaders each week to help grow effective youth and children’s ministries in every church.

The who, why and what for every volunteer leader
Volunteer leaders are precious, so it’s important to foster a culture of treating leaders well at the leader recruitment stage, well before the leader begins to serve.

How to teach the gospel clearly to young people
When we teach the bible to young people, it’s like we’re handing out “gospel-glasses.” Our teaching can have a big impact on their world view, so it’s important to ensure we’re teaching the gospel clearly!

Taking the pulse of your youth
Taking a pulse check of your youth is a great way of tracking their spiritual growth