A First Time for Everything
Whether you’re starting out again teaching SRE to the same year group as previous years, teaching SRE for the first time or somewhere in between, be encouraged that the privilege of SRE is that we have the opportunity to be alongside young people as they engage with the Bible.

Should we add a new Gospel bead?
Have you taught your kids how to share the good news with gospel beads? It’s a great way to equip young people to share their faith. It’s simple, memorable… and wearable.
In his new book, The Child in God’s Church (2025)Tim Beilharz makes the point that we are missing a bead.

Empty Car Seats and Inspiring Outreach
Who can you bring to church in your spare car seat?

Peer Evangelism Part 3: The Surprising Gospel Results of a Quiet Life
How to encourage our teenagers to be evangelists through a peaceful and quiet life.

Peer Evangelism Part 2: Equipping the Evangelists
Strategies that our young people can use to evangelise those in their various spheres of influence.

Peer Evangelism Part 1: Convincing Teens of the Gospel Need
Evangelism is at the heart of the Christian faith. Sharing the Gospel, the ‘good news’, of the Kingdom of God is the first thing that Jesus did in his public ministry. Learn how to equip your youth to engage in evangelistic conversations.

What I learned from launching a regional youth ministry during COVID
See how a COVID collaboration between neighbouring parishes leads them to become more effective at evangelising and discipling the young people in their area longterm

Sharing the gospel without sharing the virus
Why we must keep holding out the gospel to young people during COVID-19

A great holiday kids club is the result of how you think
Being clear on what your kids holiday club is aiming for will help shape the way you communicate with parents, leaders and your whole church

This is why your church needs a Playgroup
On the surface, Playgroup can appear an unspectacular ministry. It can also be the first step a family takes towards Jesus.

How to help children share their faith
Three things that will help you encourage children to share their faith with others

There has never been an easier time to evangelise
Why right now is one of the best opportunities to evangelise Australian youth

How to start an after school kids’ club
Key questions to ask before you start a kids’ club at your church.