Your support will open the door for SRE…
… So more students can explore faith in a safe environment!
It’s no secret that SRE is under pressure in schools across our state.
The struggle to get SRE classes scheduled.
The battle to persuade administrators that parents and families really do want a choice.
Significant opposition from decision-makers with their own agendas.
The challenges are significant. The pressure on SRE is real and rising.
But when you raise your voice to speak up and take action to put SRE front and centre, you can make change happen.
And now generous friends stand ready to match your gift before 18 December to help more children at more schools to participate in SRE …
… doubling your generosity and increasing your impact.
You can help show more parents that their children have an opportunity to attend SRE. You can help administrators see how interested parents and the community are – and get on board, too.
It all begins with the support of friends like you.
So thank you for your best tax-deductible gift today to help meet the $190,000 need – and see your gift before 18 December DOUBLED by generous friends, up to a total of $85,000 – to keep the door open for SRE in more schools across the state.